Dubai's Desperate Housewife

Trials and traumas of a full-time mum in Dubai

Posts Tagged ‘detox foot patches

Foot detox patches – do they work?

with 7 comments

When it comes to all things health and beauty, I tend to err on the side of ‘why not give it a try?’ It’s a default position that DH calls being a mug. Still, as I always say, it’s fun to try.  

So, the other day I saw ‘foot detox’ patches on sale at Daiso.

No idea what the writing says - maybe 'you seriously believe this, you mug'?

No idea what the writing says – maybe ‘you seriously believe this, you mug’?

For the uninitiated, they’re tissue paper pouches of herbs that stick to the soles of your feet at night, the idea being that, as you sleep, the herbs draw the toxins out through the soles of your feet so you wake energised, renewed, richer, happier, slimmer, detoxed and, hopefully, having written a best-seller overnight.

To be honest, the idea of detoxing my body, not through drinking a diet of grasshopper sweat, but by sticking patches to my feet and going to sleep sounded good so, for AED 7 (about £1) each, I slung a couple of packs in my basket (along with wrapping paper, ribbons, gift bags, wood-pulp clay and random kitchen gadgets – Daiso really is an Aladdin’s Cave) and thought I’d give it a go.

On the plus side, the pads stuck very well to my feet (so well I had to use baby oil to remove the last residue of glue and paper the next morning) and they didn’t feel odd. If anything, they felt kind of comforting – a bit like a soft reminder of how amazing life was going to be in the morning.

When I unpeeled them the next day, the bit of the patch that had been next to my skin was completely soaked in black sludge. ‘Ooh,’ says I to DH, ‘look at all the toxins! My liver feels lighter already!’ 

Sludgy dark foot patches the following morning. Look at all that caffeine and Merlot!

Sludgy dark foot patches the following morning. Look at all that caffeine and Merlot!

But DH is not impressed. ‘Uh-uh,’ he says, shaking his head. ‘That’s just the herbs reacting to your sweat, darling.’

I suppose it’s not beyond the realms of belief that he could be right. But, and here’s the bit that makes me think there may be something in it, I continued to use the patches and, each morning, they became paler until, about four days later, they were white and dry in the morning.

Is that proof that they work? I certainly felt fab (but the best-seller’s still not written.)

Read more online debate about whether or not these foot patches work.

Written by mrsdubai

November 5, 2013 at 7:31 pm