Dubai's Desperate Housewife

Trials and traumas of a full-time mum in Dubai

Those (horrible) halcyon days with a new baby

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New mum

Is this it?

In the last few weeks I’ve been reliving the exhausting days of being a brand-new, first-time mum. I’ve been reminded of it by a friend who’s just had her first baby and is sharing the agony and the ecstasy via her Facebook updates. I can’t tell you how badly I feel for her when I see, as I leap out of bed at 6am, that she’s been up all night.

Much as I love being a mum now, it took me a long time to adjust. In the early days, I remember feeling robbed. While DH, wallowing in the congratulations of his colleagues, put on his suit and skipped off to his adult world of coffees, meetings and the gym at lunchtime, I sat at home and felt robbed: robbed of my career, robbed of my figure, robbed of my sleep, and robbed of my sanity.

There were days – and I don’t apologise for saying this – that I wished I could wrap up my baby, return her to the Customer Service desk and ask for my old life back. Even M&S takes returns for up to 60 days and it’s at about that point, when the initial joy and shock have worn off, that you realise that this is your new, sleepless reality; that, for better or for worse, ‘this is it’.

At 60 days / eight weeks, the tiny tyrant probably hasn’t smiled properly; certainly hasn’t yet passed the magic 12-week milestone; and likely screams endlessly for no apparent reason. You see the rest of your life stretched out before you, an exhausted muddle of sleep deprivation, baby bottles, colic and possets down your favourite top. You think you’ll never be able to go out again without a pram attached.

But it’s amazing how quickly it all turns around; it’s amazing how quickly they start letting you sleep, and grow into gorgeous little bonsai people with their own little characters. Nowadays, I wouldn’t swap it for anything.

Written by mrsdubai

November 20, 2013 at 10:50 am

3 Responses

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  1. I read this post and wanted to either laugh or cry. It was like I wrote it.

    I was one of those mums who wasn’t keen on the early childhood stage too. And to top it off I had my second child when my older one was just 20mts old. Yeah, so I had two kids under two. Baby 1 was born in Chicago, we lived in Montreal in between and baby 2 was born in London.

    I hated the whole process. It was a nightmare what with the shifting and managing on my own when my husband was off on work trips. I distinctly remember thinking that I am doomed to be changing diapers for the rest of my life. I never though my kids would ever, ever grow and that this was it.

    Thank god that kids grow fast. I have no rosy memories of the early childhood stages at all. All I remember is exhaustion. Looking back, I suspect that I had a case of post natal blues, but was just managing to cope. I don’t know if anyone else did this, but I used to walk though Mother Care and think YESSSS – I don’t need this shit, I’m done with this crap – this stage is done and dusted – wooohooo!! My kids are now 6 & 8 today, and I couldn’t love them more. Or this stage more.


    November 20, 2013 at 3:00 pm

  2. Im am feeling meh about parenthood at the moment, have a 3 yr old and 9months old bubba. She doesn’t sleep and is sick at the moment too so is up all night.

    Expat Mammy

    November 20, 2013 at 11:21 pm

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