Dubai's Desperate Housewife

Trials and traumas of a full-time mum in Dubai

Posts Tagged ‘things children say

My Aries family

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April’s an expensive month for me. DH, DD and DS, are all Aries. To be honest, I used to think that I, as an Aquarian, got on best with Librans and, sometimes Cancers and Leos. But, given that our household is as harmonious as a house full of small children governed by a frustrated career woman can be, I guess Aquarius plus Aries works pretty well.

Bagsy I'm the one in knee-high boots


Anyway, I was commenting on this this morning, as DH opened his birthday cards at stupid o’clock.

“We’re all Aries!” shouted DD, dancing around the room flapping her arms.

“Yeah!” shouted, DS, flapping his arms like DD. “We’re all fairies!”

I think his father may have something to say about that.

Written by mrsdubai

April 19, 2012 at 5:56 pm